Welcome to 360mind
We build innovative software - from engaging mobile apps to scalable backend services.
Our team members developed software for the Palm Pilot and for BlackBerry devices, long before they were called apps. We had 5 apps developed for our clients on the Apple App Store on opening day in 2008.
We have worked for some of the largest automotive companies in the world, building and scaling their public websites and backend services.
About our company
360mind OÜ is incorporated and headquartered in beautiful Tallinn, Estonia. Not far from the birthplace of Skype and many other innovative digital companies in this most online and connected country in the world.
Our team members all work remotely. Besides resilience and increased quality of life, this also means that we can bring you the best talent in the world to make your project a reality.
Our Services
Our senior consultants have seen it all. From the heyday of the .com boom to todays sustainable ventures. We can assist with validating your business plan, reviewing your technology architecture, interviewing key technical hires.
Having an app is just table stakes today. You need something more to retain engaged customers and build a profitable business. We specialize in building iOS apps and we have been featured by Apple many times for our innovative apps.
Your backend services need to scale as your business takes off. We build scalable microservices using Lambda on AWS serverless or deploy your Microsoft stack in Azure datacenters around the world.
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360mind OÜ
Sakala 7-2, 10141 Tallinn, Estonia
Reg no: 16139852